6 persones
3 Dormitori
5 Llits
2 Bany
6 persones
3 Dormitori
5 Llits
2 Bany
Banda ampla sense fil Internet
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca with breath taking sea views over palma
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca living room fully furnished with high quality
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca bedroom with working desk and views over the pool
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca with big outdoor table in the terrace
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca bedroom with private bathroom rain shower
Luxury villa for rental in mallorca bedroom with big bed wooden floor working desk
2 Llit infantil
1 Llit de matrimoni
1 Llit desplegable
1 Llit de matrimoni extra gran
Pool & spa facilities
Climatitzat Piscina exterior
Parking & facilities
Garatge cobert i Privat Jardí
Inclou servei de bugaderia
S'accepten targetes de crèdit
Bathroom & laundry
Rentadora, Banyera i Rentadora
Heating & cooling
Calefacció radiant al terra
Sistema estèreo i TV (cable)
Internet & office
Banda ampla sense fil Internet
Kitchen & dining
Liquadora, Cafetera, Estris de cuina, Rentaplats, Graella, Microones, Forn, Nevera, Espècies i Torradora
Home Safety
Extintor, Farmaciola de primers auxilis, Sistema de seguretat i Detector de fums
S'accepten targetes de crèdit
Check in: flexible
Check out: 12:00 PM (noon)